Kitesurfing is a sport in continuous evolution and from KitePassion Tarifa Kiteschool we want to update you on each and every one of the news that appears in the world of kiteboarding.

For this year 2024, in addition to giving foil classes in our school, we provide the rental service of this type of more advanced material.

juan kitepassion tarifa hydrofoil

First of all, one of the greatest advantages of hydrofoil is the possibility of sailing with very light winds or light winds.

That is, with a residual wind of 8-9 knots, a 10-meter kite and a hydrofoil, you are already enjoying it.

So with winds of between 12 or 13 knots you will have a great time, a circumstance that with a bidirectional board or twintip it will hardly happen. You will feel like a kid with your Kite and foil enjoying.

Another amusement of this type of navigation is the sensation of being suspended over the water, which gives it a different sensation with much higher speed and when you are able to control the lift of the board (ascent and descent) you can experience brutal sensations and very addictive.

Very important to take into account is also the upwind capacity that these types of toys have and the possibility of making infinite crossings and downwinds.

You can be perfectly sailing on Playa de los Lances Norte and make a journey to the beach of Bolonia. An authentic wonder that we have already experienced and that we recommend that you do.

The materials with which these super-boards are constructed are normally carbon or aluminum. And it will depend on both its benefits and its price.
The carbon component means less weight and better performance, but its price rises significantly.

A complete board of these characteristics in carbon can currently be around € 2,500, which is the greatest handicap due to its high initial cost.

However, this does not mean that this modality has more and more followers and that in the immediate future their prices will begin to fall as there is more competition between manufacturers and supply.

A second possibility is aluminum, which is heavier and cheaper at the same time. Buying an aluminum board costs approximately € 1,300 and its performance is quite good although obviously worse than carbon in terms of weight.

As for the way you navigate, at first you will have to take it patiently, because it is not like starting from scratch but almost. Since the position of the body is slightly more advanced than the one you carry with the twintip or the surfboard …

In addition to the position of the kite that is not so much in the power zone and is higher on the edge of the window. Courage and practice !!!


Likewise, once you are ready for action, we will give you some basic notions. Learning hydrofoil is not easy at all, so from the beginning remember that you will have to start practically from scratch and you must also bear in mind that to control this type of boards well, poryou must previously have a certain level in other kitesurfing disciplines such as directional boards or twintips (bidirectional).

Everything changes: position of the body, of the board and even of the kite, so you will have to recycle … Quite a challenge!!

The technique itself is not easy: Enter the water with the mast away from you and pass the shorebreak of the shore until you have enough depth.

At least a meter and a half deep. Remember that the standard neck of a foil is 90 centimeters. Once you have the board in front of you, put your feet on the pads and to start as you already know, put the kite in power.

When you do the waterstart you should go to length and advance your body slightly forward. From there to enjoy it has been said.

  • The first thing you should take into account when you start is safety and keep in mind that you must wear a helmet and vest, because if you make a mistake and the board turns or chases you, you can get a strong blow to the head or shoulders.
  • You have several possibilities about the length of your neck. You can start with a 45 cm shorter neck and therefore with a lower point of gravity, where you require less balance. And as you evolve we can increase the size of this mast in order to have more height and speed. In fact, there are brands that sell you three neck heights as standard so that you can evolve.
  • Regarding the board debate with straps or without straps, at the beginning our recommendation is with straps and when you control the translucha and straps turns out and enjoy with freedom !!

Also wind conditions are very important when learning. Start sailing in a wind range of between 11 and 16 knots with an 8 or 9 meter kite but don’t be too jerky, since once the hydrofoil takes off the thrust of the kite you don’t need much pull and you will even have.

You have to take the kite further to the zenith because you don’t require as much power.

Do not try it with residual winds of 8 or 10 knots because it will be more difficult.

What are you waiting to encourage you with this new kind of kitesurfing that makes us all fall in love… ??

Live the kite with Passion, live it with #Kitepassion.

More info: Juan I. Fernández 615683051